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Commission 4

Construction Methods and Processes

Commission 4 organizes and promotes activities contributing to deeper understanding and best practices in construction methods and processes for any type of structure.

Field of Activity
At the initial phase, Commission 4 works on the development of a set of guidelines for best practice solely on bridge construction, through specifically assigned Task Groups. In the future, the activities of the commission will develop to consider constructional aspects of other structural types. In view of the interrelationship and inter-dependencies of Commission 4's field of work with the areas covered by the other commissions, liaisons will be key to accomplishing its objectives. Possible interaction with other organizations outside IABSE, such as ICPMA (International Construction Project Management Association) and IAARC (International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction), may be explored going forward.

Current Task Groups under Commission 4

TG4.1 Bearings & Joints
Chair: Alp Caner, Turkey

TG4.2 Applicable Standards And Actions During Construction Stage
Chair: Javier Muñoz-Rojas, Spain

TG4.3 Essentials on Construction Methods State Of Art
Chair: Renato Bastos, Portugal

TG4.4 Risk, Accidents And Incidents During Construction
Chair: Hugo Coelho, Portugal

TG4.5 Monitoring in Construction
Chair: Filipe Magalhães, Portugal

TG4.6 Specific Construtive Challenges in Cable Stayed & na Extradorsed Bridges
Chair: Miguel Angel Astiz, Spain

TG4.7 Schedulling in Different Construction Methods
Chair: Thierry Duclos, France

TG4.8 Building Equipment Specifications
Chair: Pedro Borges, Portugal

TG4.9 Cost Efficient Design
Chair: Carlos Bajo, Spain

TG4.10 Logistics for Bridge Construction
Chair: António Luiz Souza, Brazil

TG4.12 Floating Bridges Construction
Chair: Arianna Minoretti, Norway

TG4.13 Construction Methods With New Materials
Chair: Tomasz Siwowski, Poland

TG4.14 Special heavy lifting equipment
Chair: Javier Martinez, Spain

TG4.15 Essentials on Foundation Construction
Chair: Paulo Lopes Pinto, Portugal

TG4.16 Suspension Bridges
Chair: Torben Forsberg, Denmark

TG4.17 Modular Bridges
Chair: José Matos Fernandes, Portugal

TG4.18 Arch Bridges
Chair: António Adão da Fonseca, Portugal

TG4.19 Summary On Critical Reccomendations On Bridge Construction Methods And Processes
Chair: Pedro Pacheco, Portugal

Pedro Pacheco, Portugal

Vice Chair
Javier Muñoz-Rojas, Spain

Core Members

Alp Caner, Turkey

Javier Muñoz-Rojas, Spain

Renato Bastos, Portugal

Hugo Coelho, Portugal

Filipe Magalhães, Portugal

Miguel Angel Astiz, Spain

Thierry Duclos, France

Pedro Borges, Portugal

Carlos Bajo, Spain

António Luiz Souza, Brazil

Arianna Minoretti, Norway

Tomasz Siwowski, Poland

Javier Martinez, Spain

Paulo Lopes Pinto, Portugal

Torben Forsberg, Denmark

José Matos Fernandes, Portugal

António Adão da Fonseca, Portugal

Pedro Pacheco, Portugal

Jungholzstrasse 28
8050 Zurich

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