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Aims And Responsibilities

The Liaison Committee aims...
  • to promote the coordination of the Members' activities to achieve optimum efficiency;
  • to arrange relevant joint activities, including joint committees, Working Parties and Task Groups;
  • to ensure effective cover of the various fields of interest of each Association without unnecessary duplication;
  • to harmonise its Members' various activities and publications to achieve a greater impact and more awareness of the role of the Member Associations, and the work of their individual members, and thus, their significance to society.

It offers an opportunity for direct joint discussions on all projects likely to set favourable conditions for the development of members' activities and for technical advances in the field of civil engineering at international level. Meetings are conducted in such a way as to preserve the total independence of each association.

The Liaison Committee has a formal meeting once a year, conducting the majority of its work through correspondence and direct contact between its Secretariat and those of the Member Associations. Special meetings are convened as necessary.

The Liaison Committee is responsible for...
  • approving the overall Calender of Events - Congresses, Symposia, Colloquia, Workshops and other meetings - proposed by the Member Associations; it arranges for the publication and dissemination of this generally through its Members. Advance consideration of the Calendar of Events affords the opportunity for arranging more jointly sponsored and coordinated events. Adequate advance warning will be facilitated by the provision of a Joint Calendar every three months to assist in planning. For major events, such as Congresses, at least four years advance warning is necessary;
  • identifying topics or projects suitable for joint action and setting-up and supporting joint Task Groups or Working Parties as necessary, the most important example was the setting up in 1971 of the Joint Committee for Structural Safety, whose work is monitored by the Liaison Committee;
  • facilitate the exchange of publications between Member Associations and the provision of relevant news items for both internal and external distribution;
  • establishing and promoting contacts with regional and international groups, in both the technical and political sense, which affect, or impinge on, its Members' work; this should aid the better directing of the overall activities;
  • setting up, from time to time, review procedures in developing areas to assist in distributing tasks between the various Member Associations. This is obviously a joint activity of limited duration and with specific objectives.

Charter of the Liaison Committee (pdf)

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8050 Zurich

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