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IABSE launched the Young Engineers Programme (YEP) in cooperation with the Australian Group of IABSE at the IABSE Symposium in Melbourne 2002. Since then, YEP activities are growing and becoming integral part of every IABSE Congress and Symposia and at the National Groups level.  More information about the YEP


Upcoming Events:

18 May 2025 YE Tokyo: Click Here

The primary objective of this colloquium is to help young structural engineers (under the age of 40) to make friends, learn from each other, and develop their professional career together. The event aims to offer a platform to present their researches, projects, and innovative design ideas. Organized by the IABSE National Groups of Japan, China, Korea, Hong Kong and Germany, and we welcome young engineers in the world.

10 March 2025 YE Denmark 

Mini seminar: New Storstrøm Bridge & West bridge bearing replacement; Storebælt West Bridge Bearing replacement & Storstrøm Bridge Construction; Wednesday, 16:00-19:00, Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, click here.

For more information click here.

Current Events:

1 March 2025, YE India

Young Engineers Program (YEP), Indian National Group (ING) organized a study tour (site visit) to the big-ticket project: the under-construction Missing Link Cable-Stayed Bridge of the Mumbai Pune Expressway on 1st March. It was a fantastic opportunity to witness the construction of the bridge first-hand and learn the intricacies from the execution team. AFCONS Infrastructure Limited welcomed the young engineers and explained the construction methodology in detail. IABSE President-elect, Dr. Harshavardhan Subbarao and Senior Engineer, Umesh Rajeshirke guided the group at every step, challenged and inspired the young engineers with though-provoking discussions and suggestions throughout the day. This visit was organised by YE team, led by Jithendra Bhattiprolu, Parool Priya; and YE ING chaired by Jatin Singla. You shall find more photos here.

14 February, YE Tanzania

On 14th February 2025, the IABSE Group of Tanzania hosted more than 100+ students and lecturers from St. Augustine University, School of Civil Engineering. The aim of the event was to give theoretical and practical knowledge for the construction of Extradosed Bridge and offer a forum for emerging structural engineers students to forge connections, exchange knowledge, and progress in their careers collective. The Tanzanian NG is chaired by Katelula S. Kaswaga and dward Nyamhanga is the Secretary. This event helped the YE and NG members visiting understand the latest technology used for the constructions of J. P. Magufuli Extradosed Bridge. Read further here.

2024 Activities

IABSE Young Engineers Colloquium East Asia


The YEC-HK2024 was a resounding success, providing a platform for young engineers (under the age of 40) to showcase their work, learn from experts, and network with peers. The event highlighted the importance of innovation and collaboration in advancing the field of structural engineering. With over 135 participants, the event was a full house and a testament to its success. As the participants return to their respective countries, they carry with them new knowledge, inspiration, and connections that will undoubtedly contribute to their future endeavors. Event Programme included: I. Team design competition II. Paper Presentation III. Social activities IV. Optional Activity.

A special thank you goes to the sponsors for their generous support in sponsoring the colloquium and enabling cash prizes for the winners of the design competition and technical papers. The sponsors were Hong Kong Polytechnic University for providing the venue, ARUP, VSL, JCMI (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), and MIDAS for financial support. Their contributions played a significant role in encouraging and recognizing the outstanding efforts of the young engineers.

Additionally, special thanks to Naeem Hussain, the chair for the Hong Kong National Group, for his exceptional efforts in organizing this successful colloquium. His dedication and leadership were instrumental in making YEC-HK2024 a memorable and impactful event. The IABSE HK National Group members and volunteers from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University deserve commendation for organizing and running a well-rounded event. The YEC-HK2024 not only celebrated the achievements of young engineers but also set the stage for future advancements in structural engineering. Read the full report by the coordinator, Paresh Vishnoi here ...

Young Engineers Programme organised by the Danish National Group


On 29 November 2024, a special event to relaunch the young engineers network was held at BLOXHUB in Copenhagen, Denmark, by the Danish National Group of IABSE. This event brought together 40 enthusiastic young engineers and students eager to learn how to navigate a career as a “world-renowned bridge engineer”. The keynote speaker, Tina Vejrum, captivated the audience with her inspiring journey—a path shaped by opportunities, mentorship, and adaptability.

With an international career spanning multiple continents, she detailed her experiences working on the iconic Stonecutters Bridge, one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world. Her work overseas included an exchange with COWI's office in Vancouver, where she delved into complex engineering challenges, and a research stay at EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) during her PhD, which broadened her academic and cultural horizons. These diverse experiences illustrated the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone to embrace opportunity, particularly when it comes to international projects.

Central to her narrative was the invaluable support she received from mentors and key engineering figures throughout her career. She emphasized how critical it was to have champions who believed in her potential, offering guidance, insight, and sometimes simply the encouragement to take the next step. Their influence helped her navigate the complexities of an engineering career that was, by her own admission, far from linear.

Her roles in IABSE have run in parallel to career progression, often providing a platform in which to develop and trial new skills before applying them to active projects. She started as a specialist focusing on the technical aspects of engineering, encompassing a variety of roles she developed a depth of understanding in a chosen field – recognising that as an engineer there is a choice between breadth and depth of technical understanding, each with their own merits. Adopting project management responsibilities, she learned to balance technical precision with stakeholder expectations. Her involvement in line management sharpened her leadership and team-building skills, while her venture into business development expanded her understanding of the commercial aspects of engineering projects. This holistic approach not only enhanced her expertise but also increased her visibility in the field.

She concluded by highlighting the unpredictable nature of her career. Driven by opportunities rather than rigid planning, her journey demonstrated that flexibility, curiosity, and seizing the right moments can lead to extraordinary success. Attendees left the event inspired by the realization that the path to an interesting and meaningful career in engineering is as much about embracing the unknown as it is about technical prowess. For young engineers seeking to leave a mark, this event offered not just a blueprint but a testament to the power of resilience, mentorship, and open-minded ambition.

The evening concluded with refreshments and a good time for networking. Several attendees have since become the newest members of IABSE DK. This event marks the re-launch of IABSE Young Engineers community in Denmark, we are very much looking forward to meeting again in 2025. If you would like to join similar events, or know someone who might, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn.

IABSE Young Engineers Symposium 2024

11th Young Engineers Symposium by IABSE Switzerland

On 3 October  2024, the 11th edition of the Young Engineers' Symposium (YES) took place at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. This event brought together young civil engineers from all over Switzerland and beyond, providing them with a unique opportunity to present their first projects and to exchange ideas in an inspiring and collaborative environment. The program was filled with a wide array of exciting contributions and keynote speeches that thrilled and engaged the participants. Professor Eugen Brühwiler and Rainer Hohermuth shared valuable insights from their extensive experience in civil engineering practice with the audience. Additionally, the seminar on the circular economy offered a forward-looking discussion on sustainability and resource conservation, a topic that is becoming increasingly important due to environmental concerns and the push for sustainable development.

YES 2024 provided a vital platform for dialogue between young and experienced engineers. The participants had ample opportunities to establish valuable contacts, engage in interesting discussions, and expand their professional networks. The event has once again demonstrated the importance of exchange and the promotion of young talent for the continuous development and innovation within the field of civil engineering. The jury, under the direction of Andreas Taras, Chair, Swiss National Group, had the challenging task of selecting the best projects and final theses from a pool of exceptional submissions. We warmly congratulate the award-winning women and men for their impressive performances and contributions to the field. Photo Gallery: Click Here.

YES Speakers and Participants:


Andrea Frangi, Chairing the YES, Marion Rauch, Eugene Brühwiler and esteemed Speakers and Participants

Prize Winners:


First place: Romain Savoy, Alessandra Eicher, Pascal Joos (first photo), Second place: (Jury President Andreas Taras) Sebastian Rodemeier, Ricardo Cavegn, Julien Thiriot (from left to right, second photo); Audience Prize: (Jury President Andreas Taras) Romain Savoy (from left to right, third photo).

More information, read the report by Yannick Plüss in SEI February 2025 and Click Here.

IABSE Congress San Jose 2024 

Young Engineers born in 1990 or later, had an exciting Young Engineers Programme (YEP) in IABSE Congress in San Jose, Costa Rica, including. Read the Report Here: Article 1 I Article 2.

  • Mentorship Opportunities every day
  • Interactive Workshops and MOLA design contest with Prizes
  • Networking Events with Bowling & Young Engineers Prize.

Note: Young Engineers who register for the Congress receive one (1) year FREE IABSE Membership sponsored by the IABSE Fellows.

IABSE Symposium Tokyo 2025 (Click Here)

Delegates born in 1991 or later are eligible for reduced registration fees. In addition, the Outstanding Contribution Award will be presented to two young authors, born in 1991 or later, who have presented their papers in person during the Symposium. The award is sponsored by the IABSE Fellows and the Organising Committee. The award consists of a cash prize and a certificate that will be presented during the closing ceremony.

Note: Young Engineers who register for a conference get a free year membership to IABSE. This is sponsored by IABSE Fellows.

 IABSE Congress Ghent 2025 (Click Here)

All participants born in or after 1991 will benefit from a reduction in their registration fee. In addition, any main author born in or after 1991, who personally presents his or her own paper at the Congress, will be considered for additional recognition. An independent jury will select two contributions from young authors-oral or poster- and each will receive a prize of 500 EUR. The prizes are offered by the IABSE Fellows and the Organising Committee and will be presented at the Closing Ceremony of the Congress. On 27 August 2025, an evening networking event will be organised to promote the interaction of Young Engineers with IABSE Fellows and Congress attendees.

Note: Young Engineers who register for a conference get a free year membership to IABSE. This is sponsored by IABSE Fellows.

Young Engineers Mentorship Programme 2024

 Young Engineers Mentorship Programme was launched on 23 February 2024 by the YEC, and the Speaker was Tina Vejrum, IABSE President.

This programme was led by Gledson Tondo from YEC. You can view the video recording once you log into your Members Area ( Young Engineers Area. Next Mentorship Programme will be held on 18 September 2024, details will be available here.


On the 24 and 25th of November 2023, the Belgian and Dutch National Groups of IABSE jointly organized their third Young Engineers Colloquium 2023 (YEC2023) at the Aula of Ghent University in Ghent in Belgium. YEC2023 is especially meant for young engineers to exchange knowledge internationally, with  focus on Belgium and the Netherlands. This Colloquium offered young engineers the opportunity to present their interesting research, engineering or construction projects to an audience of fellow engineers from the structural engineering sector. The event was sponsored by 8 Belgian and Dutch sponsors and attended by 68 participants.  The Proceedings can be downloaded from IABSE Members Area. Below are some photos from the YEC 2023 event. The Keynote Lecture was delivered by Prof. José Campos e Matos (ISISE, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal) on the subject “Case study for a KPI-based Quality Control system of roadway bridges”. The Technical Excursion took place visiting several bridges under construction in Ghent and visiting the construction site of the Oosterweel tunnel project in Zeebruges under the guidance in Ghent of prof. em. dr. ir. Philippe Van Bogaert and under the guidance of technical specialists of the contractor TM COTU on site in Zeebruges.

Click Here to view more photos.

Paper awards:

1. Adrien Palm (Bureau Greisch) for the paper ‘Wind Tunnel Tests and Normative Approaches of the ARC MAJEUR Subject to Vortex Shedding’ 

2. Maarten Van Craenenbroeck (Besix) for the paper ‘Structural Design and Analysis of Tour Triangle’

Poster awards:

1. Angeliki Christoforidou (Delft Univ. of Technology) for the paper ‘Shear and Wheel Loading on Bolted Connectors for Composite Bridge Decks’   2. Jeroen van Oosten (Heijmans) for the paper ‘Train Underpass Rijen: Sustainable Design by Applying Self-Healing Concrete’. You can read the full report in SEI February 2024 issue.



Young Engineers Colloquium 2022

The Swiss National Group organised the Young Engineers Symposium (YES) on 6 October 2022, which was the 10th anniversary of the YES at the Hochschule Luzern. The event attracted many young engineers to participate, and interact with reknowned engineers from the region and network with their colleagues. View photos here.

Young Engineers Colloquium 2019

The Belgian and Dutch National Groups of IABSE have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the jointly organized Young Engineers Colloquium 2019 (YEC2019) on 15 and 16 March 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands. YEC2019 is especially meant for young engineers to exchange knowledge internationally, with the focus on Belgium and the Netherlands. The colloquium is open to all professionals interested in structural engineering regardless their age, but apart from the keynote speaker, all presenters are young engineers under 35 years of age.

IABSE Young Engineers Colloquium in East Asia, (Tongji University, Shanghai, China) was jointly organized for the first time by the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Groups of IABSE. The colloquium was initiated by Profs. Shunichi Nakamura, Limin Sun and Hyun-Moo Koh in April 2018. Photos from Colloquium.

Young Engineers Symposium 2018

On 4 October 2018, the eighth edition of the Swiss Young Engineers’ Symposium (YES2018) took place at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. More than 80 participants from all over Switzerland used the opportunity to attend inspiring speeches from industry experts, interesting presentations by young engineers, and discussions about prevailing civil engineering topics during interactive seminars. Of course, YES2018 also served as a great platform to meet friends and connect with colleagues from other engineering offices.

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