Task Groups (TG) are short-term units targeted for well-defined objectives, typically investigation of technical interest or concern. Within a 2-4 year timeline, these groups produce actual deliverables, which may include a publication, a themed conference session or workshop, a suite of papers in 'Structural Engineering International', or other agreed output.
Task Groups that have successfully completed and delivered their task are listed under Completed Task Groups.
TG4.1 Bearings & Joints
TG4.2 Applicable Standards And Actions During Construction Stage
TG4.3 Essentials on Construction Methods State Of Art
TG4.4 Risk, Accidents And Incidents During Constrution
TG4.5 Monitoring in Construction
TG4.6 Specific Construtive Challenges in Cable Stayed & na Extradorsed Bridges
TG4.7 Schedulling in Different Construction Methods
TG4.8 Building Equipment Specifications
TG4.9 Cost Efficient Design
TG4.10 Logistics for Bridge Construction
TG4.12 Floating Bridges Construction
TG4.13 Construction Methods With New Materials
TG4.14 Special heavy lifting equipment
TG4.15 Essentials on Foundation Construction
TG4.16 Suspension Bridges
TG4.17 Modular Bridges
TG4.18 Arch Bridges
TG4.19 Summary On Critical Recommendations On Bridge Const. Methods And Processes