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Structural Engineering Documents 20: Sustainability in Structural Concrete Design


Edited by: Jorge de Brito and Rui Vasco Silva

Chief Reviewer: Ann Schumacher

ISBN: 978-3-85748-201-4, 376 Pages, English.

Publisher: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE).

Typeset and Copyedited by: Structurae.

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Note: Members can download this SED for free in the Members Area. Hardcopy and e-Book (ePDF) can be purchased at the Online Shop.


Sustainability in construction is a priority for both academia and industry to reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment and thus combat climate change. Numerous approaches have been developed on how to tackle this issue, wherein the implementation of eco-efficient concrete is currently considered one of the most effective measures to be applied at the beginning of a building’s life cycle. This edition of the Structural Engineering Document discusses key issues in selecting and incorporating eco-efficient waste materials capable of enhancing the sustainability of structural concrete in construction projects. The cost-efficiency of using recycled aggregates in structural concrete is shown by several world-renowned researchers. Critical evaluations and case studies further highlight the properties and performance of these materials and in various structural applications. Also, novel low-impact binding systems using industrial by-products showcase the importance of continuous research for technically viable alternatives capable of decreasing the huge dependency on ordinary Portland cement. The purpose of this document is to contribute to a broader understanding of the many possibilities for the development of a more sustainable structural concrete, thereby fostering resilient and sustainable construction practices to support the global commitment to environmental responsibility.

Structural Engineering Documents 19: Seismic Isolation and Response Control

Edited by Andreas Lampropoulos.

Reviewers: Fabrizio Palmisano (Chief Reviewer), Bahadur Sadan and Alberto Pavese (External Reviewers).

ISBN: 978-3-85748-180-2 (print). eISBN: 978-3-85748-179-6 (PDF),    978-3-85748-182-6 (ePUB). DOI (Click Here). Size: 170 x 240 mm.      Published: December, 2021. Available at:     
111 pages, in English.           

Publisher: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE).

Typeset and Copyedited by: Structurae.

Watch the video with the Editor and Authors describe the book (Click Here)

SED 19 Preview

Note: Members can download this SED for free in the Members Area. Hardcopy and e-Book (ePDF) can be purchased at the Online Shop. This book has also been translated into Chinese by CABP and is available in China: Click Here.

Summary: The seismic resilience of new and existing structures is a key priority for the protection of human lives and the reduction of economic losses in earthquake prone areas. The modern seismic codes have focused on the upgrade of the structural performance of the new and existing structures. However, in many cases it is preferable to mitigate the effects of the earthquakes by reducing the induced loads in the structures using seismic isolation and response control devices. The limited expertise in the selection and design of the appropriate system for new and existing structures is the main challenge for an extensive use of seismic isolation and response control systems in practice.

This document aims to provide a practical guide by presenting a collection of the most commonly used seismic isolation and response control systems and a critical evaluation of the main characteristics of these systems. Comparisons of the key parameters of the design processes for new buildings with seismic isolation are presented, while the application of seismic isolation systems and response control systems for the retrofitting of existing structures is also examined, followed by various case studies from Greece, Japan Mexico New Zealand, and Turkey.

IABSE Bulletin Board: IABSE Bulletin Board: D. Laefer, (Chair), F. Palmisano (Vice-Chair), H.Subbarao, M. Bakhoum, C. Bob, M.W. Braestrup, N.P. Hoej, H.H. Snijder, R. Mor, M.G. Bruschi, S. Kite, F. Nalon, G. Pircher, M. Knobloch, A. Schumacher, O. Larsson Ivanov, F. Nalon, Y. Offir, S. Dan, Y. Xia, V.Samec, A.Palermo.


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