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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, governs the Association according to the aims and means fixed by the Permanent Committee, and represents the interests of the Association in all matters.

The Executive Committee:
- formulates the Standing orders governing the activities of the various groups of the Association
- establishes links with other organisations
- sets up Non-Technical Groups
- assesses the activities of the Technical Committee and appoints its Vice-Chairman and Members
- defines the terms of reference of the Administrative Committee
- elects Honorary Members
- creates prizes and distinctions and elects their laureates
- decides on location, date and theme of conferences

to the Permanent Committee

at least once a year

Contact us: For any queries or to contact the Chair, please write to us at: 

Term Start
Term End
 Tina Vejrum Denmark  Chair One term2022 2025 
 Jose Campos E Matos Portugal Member 2nd2023 2027
 Christian Cremona France Member 2nd2021 2025
 Jon McGormley United States  Member  1st2021  2025 
 Carlos Mendez-Galindo Mexico Member 2nd2021 2025
 Shunichi Nakamura Japan Member 2nd2021 2025
 Maria Pina LimongelliItalyMember 1st2023 2027
 Matias ValenzuelaChile Member 1st2023 2027
 Limin Sun China Member 2nd2021 2025
 Ho-Kyung Kim Korea Member 1st2021 2025
 Brian UyAustralia Member 1st2023 2027
 Daia Zwicky Switzerland Member 1st2021 2025
 Tobia Zordan Italy Ex-Officio/TC Chair-2021 2025
 Chep Uytiepo Switzerland Ex-Officio/Exec. Director -2014  

Jungholzstrasse 28
8050 Zurich

Location: Map Info

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+41 43 443 97 65

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