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Colombian Group of IABSE

Dr. Juan Andrés Oviedo Amézquita
Carrera 50 FF # 8 Sur 27 Of. 308, Ed.
808 Empresarial 050032 Medellin

Mr. Alfredo Gutiérrez Cayon
TV 55 C # 115 A-56 CP
111111 Bogota

NG logos available!



Upcoming events organised by the Colombian National Group to promote IABSE and Bridge Engineering 

Click Here to download the full Brochure with further details.

Hybrid Talks with IABSE experts


BST online lectures by IABSE experts in association with the University

Please click here to get access to both lecture video recordings by B.Godart and L.Rus.

In October 2020, the Executive Committee of the Colombian IABSE Group created the BST Initiative, aimed at positively impacting the education and the interaction among the Academia, Design Practitioners and Engineering Associations in Colombia. The motto of the Initiative is: IABSE and its Impact on the Educational Transformation in Colombia. The BST initiative stands for “Bridges for Social Transformation”; “Puentes para la Transformación Social”, in Spanish. The initiative focuses on creating knowledge connections across the entire country, spreading therefore engineering experiences and technical knowledge, and encouraging students to continue on structural engineering field. For such a purpose, the Colombian IABSE NG joins efforts with universities across the country to develop a BST initiative at each university contacted.

Each BST initiative is composed of two main activities: (1) a private and specialized lecture to the student community of the university contacted, conducted by an IABSE Expert, and (2) a public webinar where both our IABSE Expert and the professor of the university take part. The two main activities can also take please at once.

The BST initiative is composed of two phases:

Phase 1: focuses on creating knowledge connections across the entire country, spreading therefore engineering experiences and technical knowledge, and encouraging students to continue on structural engineering field.

Phase 2: focuses on providing vulnerable communities with engineering assistance to solve a particular basic problem related to civil engineering. For that purpose, special engineering brigades will be formed by IABSE members and university students and professors.

- BST 4 with Bruno Godart, France, on 19th of February, 10 am Colombian Time. Topic: Pathology of Prestressed Concrete Structures.

- BST 5 with Laurent Rus, Spain, on 29 January, time tbc. Topic: Bridge Failure Analysis: Shallow and Deep Causes.

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