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Technical Programme

Invitation from the Scientific Committee

Bert H.H. Snijder

Scientific Committee Co-Chair

Bert H.H. Snijder

Scientific Committee Co-Chair

Davide Leonetti

Scientific Committee Co-Chair

Bart De Pauw

Scientific Committee Vice-Chair

The theme of the congress is The Essence of Structural Engineering for Society. Structural Engineering is of essential importance for society as a whole.

But what is the essence of structural engineering? Society expects structures to be reliable and to perform well under all possible conditions, from normal to extreme, such as those imposed by climate change and natural and man-made hazards.

At the same time, society demands modern structures to be sustainable from an economic and environmental point of view, meaning that structures need to be designed avoiding the depletion of resources and CO2 emissions. To ensure this, modern structural engineers have more and more sophisticated tools at their disposal, which shall be used with judgment coming from a deep understanding of the fundamentals of structures.

One could summarise The Essence of Structural Engineering for Society as ‘back to basics’: making understandable, reliable and future-proof structures. Under this theme, the congress will address topics such as safety, reliability, serviceability, deterioration, monitoring, and maintenance of new and existing building structures and infrastructure, besides economy, sustainability, circularity, climate change, extreme loads and conditions, and natural and man-made hazards. Within the spirit of IABSE, all kinds of structures in all materials are addressed.

Bert H.H. Snijder & Davide Leonetti
Scientific Committee Co-Chairs, The Netherlands

Bart De Pauw

Scientific Committee Vice-Chair, Belgium


15 March 2024 Call for abstracts
12 September 2024 15 November  2024 Closed Final deadline for abstract submission
15 December  2024 Notification of abstract acceptance
28 February 2025  Submission deadline for full papers
01 April 2025

Final Invitation and Registration Opens 

14 April 2025

Notification of acceptance of full papers and Announcement of presentation types

30 June 2025

Registration deadline for all presenting authors

Deadline of early bird registration

25-26 August 2025IABSE Annual Meetings
27-29 August 2025

IABSE Congress Ghent 2025


The Scientific Committee (SC) is co-chaired by Prof. H.H. Snijder and Prof. Davide Leonetti. The Vice-Chair is Prof. Bart De Pauw. The SC consists of more than 70 expert members from all over the world and is elected by the Technical Committee of IABSE.

To contact the Scientific Committee (SC), please send an email to:


Adam Lubell, Canada

Alessandro Palermo, USA

Alp Caner, USA

Andreas Lampropoulos, UK

Ane de Boer, The Netherlands

Ana Mandić Ivanković, 

Anna Rakoczy, Poland

Bert Hesselink, The Netherlands

Brian Uy, Australia

Bruno Godart, France

Christian Cremona, France

Corneliu Bob, Romania

Daia Zwicky, Switzerland

David Knight, UK

Diogo Ribeiro, Portugal

Dong Xu, China

Dongzhou Huang, USA

Elgar Slooten, The Netherlands

Elsa de Sá Caetano, Portugal

Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga, 

Eugen Brühwiler, Switzerland

Fabrizio Palmisano, Italy

Haiying Ma, China

Heikki Lilja, 

Harshavardhan Subbarao, India

Hélder Sousa, Portugal

Ho-Kyung Kim, Korea Republic of 

Hyun-Moo Koh, Korea Republic of 

Ian Firth, UK

Joan Ramon Casas, Spain

Jochen Köhler, Norway

Jörg-Martin Hohberg, Switzerland

Jose Campos e Matos, Portugal

Jose Romo Martin, Spain

Laurent Rus Jenni, Spain

Luis Oliviera Santos, Portugal

Maria Pina Limongelli, Italy

Marion Rauch, Germany

Martin Hohberg, Switzerland

Michael Bartlett, Canada

Mikael Braestrup, Denmark

Monica Nicoreac, The Netherlands

Mourad Bakhoum, Egypt

Naeem Hussain, Hong Kong SAR China

Niels Peter Hoj, Switzerland

Nisrine Makhoul, France

Pedro Almeida, Brazil

Philippe Menétrey, Switzerland

Philippine Van Bogaert, Belgium

Pierre Mengeot, Belgium

Richard Stroetmann, Germany 

Robby Caspeele, Belgium

Rob Vergoossen, The Netherlands

Serge Montens, France

Tina Vejrum, Denmark

Ulrike Kuhlmann, Germany

Vincent de Ville de Goyet, Belgium

Yaojun Ge, China

Call for Abstract

Abstracts should address the conference theme ‘The Essence of Structural Engineering for Society’.

However, also more traditional sub-themes may be addressed if the abstract and paper refer to the main conference theme, e.g.:

• All types of bridges

• Large span structures

• Light-weight structures

• High-rise buildings

• All structural materials

• Structural health monitoring

• Design for earthquakes

• Case studies

• Failures and forensic engineering

• Strengthening and retrofitting

• Dynamics of structures

• Innovative structures

• Fatigue and fracture

• Structural analysis and optimisation

• Parametric design

• Structural behaviour under fire conditions

• Soil-structure Interaction

• Exceptional loads on structures

• Safety, reliability and risk

• Architecture of structures

• Additive manufacturing.

Abstract submission is now closed, and 469 abstracts have been accepted.

Download here the Full Paper Submission Template!

(The number of anticipated pages of a paper is 6 to 9, preferably 8 pages).

Pre Congress Workshops 

On Tuesday, August 26th, 2 courses will be organised in parallel with the Annual Meetings:

Structural Health Monitoring

  • A 12-hour blended short course designed to pose the structural health monitoring (SHM) in the context of a statistical pattern recognition paradigm to support the damage identification process and risk-informed integrity management. 
  • This course is organised in the context of the IABSE Congress Ghent, August 27-29, 2025.
  • Organised by: Eloi Figueiredo, Ionut Moldovan, Michael Havbor Faber.
More info on:

    Forensic Engineering Workshop

    Structural Failures – Investigations, Causes, Lessons Learned to Mitigate Failures. 

    26 August 2025

    Location: Gent ICC, Ghent Belgium

    The primary objective of the workshop is to provide understanding of the origins, causes and consequences of failures, the lessons learned from them, and thereby to improve design practices and elevate the standard‐of‐care – all to mitigate errors that may lead to failures and liabilities of engineers. 
    • Organised by John F. Duntemann, Laurent Rus, Svein Erik Jakobsen and Matías A. Valenzuela.
    • Click here for more details. 

    Main Sub-themes of the Congress:

    (1) Structural safety and reliability

    (2) Serviceability of structures

    (3) Deterioration, monitoring and maintenance

    (4) Sustainability and circularity

    (5) Climate change and extreme loads and conditions.

    Special sessions:

    • Construction site of the century Oosterweel: adapting the existing Merksem bridge
    • Structural safety assessment of corroded concrete structures
    • Data-informed life-cycle management of existing concrete structures
    • Forensic Engineering and Lessons Learned
    • Assessment of the historical inner-city infrastructure in Amsterdam
    • Calibration of partial safety factors for the assessment of existing bridges
    • Utilization of traffic data in research, design, and assessment of bridges
    • Climate change on infrastructures: effects, standardisation and adaptation
    • Galecopper Cable Replacement – keeping key infrastructure available to the public.

    Young Engineers Programme

    On 27 August 2025, an evening networking event will be organised to promote the interaction of Young Engineers with IABSE Fellows and Congress attendees.

    All participants born in or after 1991 will benefit from a reduction in their registration fee. In addition, any main author born in or after 1991, who personally presents his or her own paper at the Congress, will be considered for additional recognition.

    An independent jury will select two contributions from young authors-oral or poster- and each will receive a prize of 500 EUR. The prizes are offered by the IABSE Fellows and the Organising Committee and will be presented at the Closing Ceremony of the Congress.


    The Congress proceedings will be conveniently accessible in electronic format right from the outset of the event. To ensure their papers are presented during the Congress and included in the proceedings, authors are required to register for the event. It's worth noting that IABSE Conference Reports are abstracted and indexed under Scopus.

    Participants who register for the event will enjoy complete access to the comprehensive proceedings.

    Structural Engineering International

    Outstanding papers presented at the congress will have the opportunity to submit an enhanced version for consideration in a dedicated issue of the prestigious SEI journal.


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