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Technical Programme


 Prof. Toru Takeuchi          Prof. Geralt Siebert

 SC Co-Chair         SC Co-Chair 

About the Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee (SC) is chaired by Prof. Toru Takeuchi, Japan with Co-Chair Prof. Geralt Siebert, Germany.

Deadline of Special Session Proposal                                                                 31 May 2024 Closed
Deadline of Abstracts Submission                                                                 31 August 2024 Closed
Notification of Abstracts Acceptance                                                   30 September 2024 Closed
Deadline of Submission of Full Papers                                      Extended 8 January 2025 Closed
Notification of Full Papers Acceptance                                                                   18 February 2025
Deadline for Authors Registration                                                                           28 February 2025
Early Bird Registration Deadline                                                                                    15 March 2025
IABSE Annual Meeting                                                                                                           17 May 2025
Young Engineers Colloquium (YEC) East Asia and Germany                                     18 May 2025
IABSE Symposium Tokyo 2025          18-21 May 2025
Post Symposium Technical Tour in Tokyo       22 May 2025
Post Symposium Technical Tour in Hyogo       23 May 2025

Themes and Topics


Environmentally friendly technologies and structures - Focusing on sustainable approaches.


  • Green Infrastructure
  • New energy facilities
  • Carbon neutral technologies
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Timber and other natural materials
  • Disaster Resilience
  • Sustainable structures and projects
  • Advanced design and structural analysis
  • Technologies in construction, operation, and maintenance
  • Digital twin and AI.

Symposium Proceedings
The Symposium Proceedings will be distributed in electronic format (ePDF) to all participants during the Symposium. Authors must register for the Symposium in order to have their papers presented and included in the proceedings.

Special Session Topics  
Checkout the complete list with description.

  • Waste and Recycled Materials in Concrete for Sustainable Construction
  • Is Steel Reuse Feasible?
  • Resilient Bridge Infrastructure
  • Adaptation, Mitigation, and Resilience to Climate Change
  • Enhancing Resilience in Infrastructure Asset Management
  • Advances of Resilience-based Design and Smart Maintenance in Life-Cycle Tunnel Engineering
  • Seismic and Multi-Hazard Resilience of Bridges and Infrastructure Systems
  • Condition Assessment and Mitigation of Civil Structures under Natural Hazards and Climate Change
  • Structural Performance and Safety Assessment under Extreme Loads
  • Uncertainty Characterisation of Natural Disasters and Its Implications on Safety Assessment and Resilience Enhancement of Engineering Structures
  • Updated Technologies on Seismic Isolation and Response Control for Sustainable Social Infrastructure
  • Performance Assessment of Long-Span Bridges
  • System Identification and Active Control
  • Dynamic Bridge Assessment and Performance
  • Bridge Weigh-in-Motion for Sustainable Bridge Management
  • Application of Innovative Data-Driven Methodologies for Enhancing the Decision-Making Processes in Asset Management.
  • Managing a Large Number of Small Bridges with Limited Manpower
  • Advanced Technologies for the Maintenance Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure
  • Existing Bridges and Extension of BIM to Bridge Management Systems
  • Infrastructure Management and Performance Optimisation
  • Digital Twins of Infrastructure for Enhanced Design, Construction, Management, and Disaster Resilience
  • Advanced Digital Twinning Techniques for Civil Infrastructure
  • Data-Driven and Physics-informed Machine Learning Methods for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges
  • Digital Twins for Critical Infrastructure
  • Facades Contributing to Sustainable Buildings
  • Caisson Foundation- A trusted Sustainable Solution for Bridges
  • Eddy Current Damping, Electromagnetic Damping, and Vibration Control
  • Practical Applications and Value of Advanced Computational and Probabilistic Modelling in Life-Cycle Engineering.

Abstract submission is now closed.

Download here the Full Paper Submission Template!

Scientific Committee

Chair: Toru Takeuchi
Vice-Chair: Geralt Siebert
Secretary & Vice - Chair: Tomonori Nagayama


Akira Wada, Japan
Alan O’Connor, Ireland
Alfred Strauss, Austria
Andreas Lampropoulos, UK
Ane de Boer, The Netherlands
Anna Rakoczy, Poland
Brian Uy, Australia
Bruno Briseghella, China
Carlos Mendez-Galindo, Mexico
Daia Zwicky, Switzerland
Dalei Wang, China
Diogo Ribiero, Portugal
Eiichi Sasaki, Japan
Fatih Sutcu, Turkey
Gianluca Ranzi, Australia

Haiying Ma, China

Harshavardhan Subbarao, India
Hélder Sousa, Portugal
Ho-Kyung Kim, Korea Republic of 
Ian Firth, UK
Ignacio Paya Zaforteza, Spain
João André, Portugal
John Duntemann, USA
Jon McGormley, USA
Jose Matos, Portugal
Jun Kanda, Japan
Kaori Fujita, Japan
Maria Pina Limongelli, Italy
Marion Rauch, Germany
Masayoshi Nakashima, Japan

Minoru Kunieda, Japan

Oskar Larsson, Sweden

Poul Linneberg, Denmark
Raad Abdul Aziz, Switzerland
Rade Hajdin, Switzerland
Saiful Amin, Bangladesh
Shunichi Nakamura, Japan
Stephen Hicks, UK
Taichiro Okazaki, Japan
Takashi Yamaguchi, Japan
Tobia Zordan, Italy
Vanja Samec, Austria
Ye Xia, China
Yong Xia, China
Yozo Fujino, Japan
Yuji Koetaka, Japan
Yukari Aoki, Japan

Keynote Speakers 

Jerome F. Hajjar


New Strategies for Sustainable and Resilient Structures

A confluence of opportunities and national and international grand challenges are influencing current directions in the design of structures within urban regions as populations expand. This presentation will summarize new developments to create sustainable and resilient structures and urban regions through research on the built environment across several themes... Read full abstract and profile

Makoto Hisada


Development of the Future with Smart Infrastructure Management System

The Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) is a national R&D program managed by the Cabinet Office of Japan. Established in 2014, SIP aims to foster science and technology innovation beyond the boundaries of government ministries and conventional research domains under the advanced management of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI). The third phase of this program commenced in 2023, with the ultimate goal of realizing Society 5.0, the future society envisioned by Japan...Read full abstract and profile

Tobia Zordan


Advancing Sustainable Structural Engineering: Expanding the 3D Framework of Environmental, Social, and Economic Dimensions through Resilient Design and the Key Role of IABSE

In an era marked by pressing environmental challenges, the IABSE Symposium in Tokyo (2025) serves as a crucial platform to explore the transformative potential of structural engineering for advancing sustainability. Under the theme "Environmentally Friendly Technologies and Structures - Focusing on Sustainable Approaches," the keynote lecture will address the interplay of environmental, social, and economic dimensions in civil engineering. The environmental focus will emphasize minimizing ecological impact through sustainable energy solutions and advanced materials...Read full abstract and profile

Dong Xu


Towards Intelligent Cracking Analysis and Design for Concrete Bridges Based on Three-Layer Stress Indicator System 

A three-layer stress indicator system is proposed for analysis and design of concrete bridges with box section. The system includes in-plane and out-of-plane representative stresses of each slab of box section covering global and local effects. Although some of the indicators were already specified in the codes for decades, they were not complete, leading to deficiencies in the cracking analysis of concrete bridge structures. ...Read full abstract and profile

Naeem Hussain

Hong Kong, SAR China

The Art of Bridge Design

The talk will describe the authors holistic approach to conceiving and designing bridges from a blank sheet of paper, in many parts of the world, to address the particular requirements of a site in terms of the owner’s aspirations, aesthetics, maintainability and cost effectiveness...Read full abstract and profile

Momoyo Kaijima


Structural Behaviorology in Architectural Behaviorology

Architectural Behaviorology being a design theory and methodology that we have adopted with the objective of rediscovering the forgotten values of resources through the lens of ethnography. In essence it tries to find existing barriers and deficits and then challenge them in order to create better accessibilities to local resources. The aim is to activate the behaviors of actors, both human and resource, to create commons and rejuvenate community livelihoods...Read full abstract and profile

Jose C. Matos


How twin transition will solve the main challenges towards the sustainable management of the built environment

Twin transition indicates the double transformation towards a greener and digitalized ecosystem. We all know the current challenges society is facing, which concerns the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the built environment (e.g. buildings, roads, railways, among others), in face of progressive (e.g. durability aspects) and extreme events (e.g. earthquake, flood, among others) (amplified in some cases by climate change effects). In line with that, the implementation of resilience based systems, as well as of integrated digital tools (e.g. AI tools, among others), will support owners, first responders, and society in general, facing such challenges...Read full abstract and profile

Barbara Siebert


The role of facades contributing to sustainable buildings

As a building envelope, façades make a significant contribution to the ecological footprint of buildings - both during construction and operation. The façade must perform various functions such as thermal insulation, sound insulation, fire protection, natural ventilation and natural lighting and should contribute to the resilience of the building. While the service life of the primary construction is around 80 years, façades currently have a service life of around three decades...Read full abstract and profile

Daia Zwicky


More sustainable construction of buildings – every little bit helps

Construction of buildings results in very important environmental impacts. All actors in the industry – from architects and structural engineers to providers, constructors and owners but also educators and researchers – have a big responsibility in the search for more sustainable construction practices. Possible reductions of the environmental impacts must be pinpointed at every possible spot, from today and by all involved – some miraculous disruptive technologies will not appear soon or will be too late for mitigating the worsening climate crisis...Read full abstract and profile

Young Engineers Programme

Delegates born in 1991 or later are eligible for reduced registration fees. In addition, the Outstanding Contribution Award will be presented to two young authors, born in 1991 or later, who have presented their papers in person during the Symposium. The award is sponsored by the IABSE Fellows and the Organising Committee. The award consists of a cash prize and a certificate that will be presented during the closing ceremony.

Young Engineers Colloquium (YEC) East Asia and Germany

On 18 May 2025, the YEC will also take place as part of the symposium. The primary objective of this event is to provide a platform for young structural engineers to connect, learn from one another, and advance their professional careers together. 

Young engineers in any country can make presentations of their research and projects and participate in the design competition of footbridges. Not only young engineers but also senior engineers are expected to participate in this colloquium and are welcome for discussions and giving advice to young engineers. For those who want to participate in this event, please submit the registration form, the application for presentation, the abstracts and posters. For further details please check online:

Post Symposium Technical Tours

Technical tours are scheduled for 22 May 2025, in Tokyo and 23 May 2025, in Hyogo. Destinations include redevelopment projects in the Nihonbashi and Shinagawa areas of Tokyo, as well as the E-Isolation/E-Defense facilities and the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Hyogo.

Technical Tours in Tokyo on 22 May 2025

  • On 22 May 2025, technical tours will explore major redevelopment projects in Tokyo, focusing on the Nihonbashi and Shinagawa areas. Participants will be divided into Group 1 and Group 2, with assignments determined by the organizing committee. Both groups will visit the same sites, but in a different order
  • Group 1 will meet at the Toda Building at 9:30 AM and start with morning visits to the Toda Building, the Nihonbashi 1-Chome Central District Redevelopment Project, and the Metropolitan Expressway Underground Project for the Nihonbashi Section. In the afternoon, the group will move to the Shinagawa area to visit bridge construction projects near the railway line. Transportation from Nihonbashi to Shinagawa will be provided by bus
  • Group 2 will meet near Shinagawa Station at 9:30 AM and begin the morning with visits to bridge construction projects in the Shinagawa area. In the afternoon, they will move to Nihonbashi, visiting the Toda Building, the Nihonbashi 1-Chome Central District Redevelopment Project, and the Metropolitan Expressway Underground Project for the Nihonbashi Section. A bus will be provided for transportation from Shinagawa to Nihonbashi
  • A light meal lunch box will be provided on the bus; however, as no dietary options are available, participants who require specific meals are encouraged to bring their own lunch
  • The participation fee for this tour is JPY 5,000.
Toda Building: High-rise seismic isolated building (Kawasumi Kobayashi-Kenji Photograph Office)

Nihonbashi Riverside Redevelopment Project:

Net Zero Energy Building (ZEB) with emergency energy center securing business continuity during disaster.(

  • Nihonbashi Reborn: The expressway will be moved underground, and the blue sky will return to the Nihonbashi Riverside area.

Bridge construction projects near the railway line in the Shinagawa Station area:

Close proximity to railway operations presents significant construction challenges.

Technical Tours in Hyogo, 23 May 2025
  • On 23 May 2025, two separate technical tours will be conducted in Hyogo: one focusing on the E-Isolation and E-Defense Facilities, and the other on the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge. Both tours, participants meet at Shin-Kobe Shinkansen station at 11:45 AM, depart from the station by bus at 12:00 noon, and conclude at 5:00 PM. As they take place simultaneously, participants may only register for one of the two tours.
  • The E-Isolation/E-Defense Facilities Tour visit the E-Isolation Facility and the E-Defense Facility, providing insights into advanced seismic isolation technologies and largest-scale structural testing facilities in Japan.

  • The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Tour includes visits to the top of a main tower and the anchorage of the bridge.
  • The participation fee for each tour is JPY 10,000. Lunch is not provided, so participants are encouraged to have lunch before the tour or bring their own meal to eat on the bus. Participants are required to arrange their own transportation to Shin-Kobe Shinkansen station. As a reference, the Shinkansen Nozomi 63 departs from Tokyo at 8:48 AM and arrives at Shin-Kobe at 11:29 AM.
  • In the event of severe weather, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Tour will follow an alternative itinerary. Participants will first explore the Hanshin Expressway Earthquake Museum, which showcases materials on earthquake resilience and disaster recovery. The tour will then visit the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Exhibition Center and the Maiko Promenade, an observation facility with views of the bridge. The tour will conclude at Shin-Kobe Shinkansen station at approximately 5:20 PM.

E-isolation Facilities

Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Main tower

Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Main tower: A rare opportunity to stand on the tower top of one of Japan’s greatest bridges, subject to weather conditions.



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