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Danish Group of IABSE

Ms. Barbara Boesen MacAulay
Danish Road Directorate
Guldalderen 12
Hedehusene 2640

Mr. Jan Vig Nielsen
Hannemanns Alle 53
Hovedstaden 2300

NG logos available!




20 March 2025, for MSc in Engineering students at DTU: The purpose is to present some of the fantastic facilities and engineering projects that Danish engineering companies are currently working on. This event shall take place at Force Technology in Lyngby, at a construction site in Nordhavn and at Ramboll in Ørestad. Tentative program is as below. Contact Sebastian for further information:

8.45-9.00 - Check-in at the reception at Force Technology, Hjortekærsvej 99, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby.
9.00-9.15 - Welcome by IABSE board member Sebastian Andersen.
9.15-10.45 - Presentation of selected projects from Force Technology and tour of the laboratory
11.00-11.30 - Presentation of the Nordhavn tunnel project + lunch sandwich
13.15-13.45 - Bus to Ramboll Head Office in Ørestad, Hannemanns Allé 53, 2300 Cph. S.
14.00-14.45 - Presentation of selected Ramboll projects
14.45-15.00 - Break
15.00-15.45 - Presentation of selected COWI projects
15.45-16.00 - End of the day by board member Mercedes Hachmann – Young Engineers Group
16.15-16.45 - Bus to Force Technology, Hjortekærsvej 99, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Mini seminar: New Storstrøm Bridge & West bridge bearing replacement; Kongens Lyngby


On 5 March 2025, the Danish National Group held a technical mini seminar for knowledge sharing and networking. A diverse group of around 40 attendees participated, including representatives from DTU, contractors, Øresundsbron, Sund & Bælt, The Danish Road Directorate, and five different consulting engineering companies.

The seminar featured two very interesting presentations starting with Finn Raun Gottfredsen from Sund & Bælt, who discussed the refurbishment and partial replacement of bearings on the Great Belt Link (West Bridge). He provided detailed insights into the engineering challenges e.g. estimating the remaining service life of the bearings and solutions involved. Since the West Bridge has around 250 bearings, finding the optimal and most cost-effective solution really matters. One of the hardest decisions in the project was finding the right balance between detailing the project and processes/logistics of the replacement and giving the contractor freedom to decide their own approach, while keeping the Storebælt Link safe and open for traffic to the largest extend possible.

Following this, Barbara MacAulay from the Danish Road Directorate presented an update on the soon to be finished New Storstrøm Bridge, highlighting the nearly completed project's construction methods and status. The bridge is now fully erected structurally and ready for waterproofing, road and railway equipment etc. The event concluded with an engaging networking session accompanied by drinks and snacks. The seminar offered a valuable opportunity to learn about significant and “non-typical” infrastructure projects and connect with fellow professionals in the field.


Case Studies 3 Book Launch Party

Case Studies 3: Investigation of the Chirajara Bridge Collapse” was published by IABSE in 2022. A book launch party was held in Denmark on the 18th January 2023 by the Danish National Group, with the attendance of two of the authors Klaus Ostenfeld and Christos T. Georgakis. Publication of Case Study 3 followed the very successful IABSE webinar held on 27 May 2021 where the findings of the investigations into the tragic collapse of the Chirajara Bridge were shared with the engineering community. Please see link: IABSE - Webinars

This event was to mark the publication and to present the authors with their personal copies of the Case Study 3 and provided a unique opportunity for the participants to gain further insight into the investigation. The Danish Group of IABSE is very proud the achievement and would like to promote this very special publication.

Award Ceremony for Mikael W. Braestrup

Mikael W. Bræstrup was awarded an Honorary Membership of IABSE at the AWARDS Ceremony in Zürich on 17 November 2022, “In high appreciation for his outstanding and dedicated services to the association”. Unfortunately, Mikael could not attend the ceremony in Zürich, so the Danish National Group celebrated this award in Denmark on 14 December. Joined by his family, Mikael received his certificate from Tina Vejrum, President of IABSE, at a champagne reception. The celebration marked the appreciation and recognition IABSE would like to express to Mikael for his continued dedication to the Association.


Photo from L to R: M.W.Braestrup with his family, receiving the Certificate from the President, and the National Group Chair, Vice Chair.


On 11 May, 2022, the Danish National Group held its Annual Meeting (in person) and Tina Vejrum, who is the President Elect of IABSE, stepped down from her role as the National Group Chair, after a very successful tenure, and passed on the baton to Barbara Boesen MacAulay, as the new NG Chair. Henning Schultz, chaired the Annual Meeting. Henning was the former Chair of the Danish NG. Changes in the NG core committee is listed below.

Photo from L to R: Incoming and outgoing Danish NG core committee Tina Vejrum, outgoing Chair; Barbara Boesen MacAulay, incoming Chair; Lars Fuhr Pedersen, Treasurer; Jan Vig Nielsen, Secretary; Jens Henrik Nielsen; NG member.

The National Group is planning tentatively the following activities, if you are interested to join please contact us, and we shall connect you to the NG Chair, for further information.

-  Webinar on the winner of the Danish Structural Award 2021, Lille Langebro
-  Site visit to Fehmarn tunnel construction site, May 2022
-  Site visit to Storstrommen Bridge, September 2022
-  The Danish Bridge and Tunnel Award, 2022: The winner will be announced at Danish Bridge Day on 5 April 2022
-  The Danish Structural Award 2022: Deadline for nomination on 1 May 2022
-  Annual meeting: 10 May 2022.

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