Concrete Box-Girder Bridge
The box girder is today the most widely used superstructure in concrete bridge construction. The aim of this document is to relieve the engineer of the study of today’s hardly surveyable mass of literature on the subject so that he can better devote that time to the actual design of the bridge. This document directs itself especially to the desing engineer and therefore follows the sequence of the practical design bridge process:
Part 1, Design, presents the most important factors influencing the architectural and structural design of box-girder bridges,
Part 2, Structural analysis, follows the structural analysis in longitudinal and transverse direction, and deals with the interaction between both, namely the folded plane action,
Part 3, Dimensioning and Structural Detailing, mainly treats the analysis and dimensioning of those regions of the bridge whose stresses cannot adequately be described with the Technical Bending Theory. Structural details are presented.
ISBN 3 85748 031 9