Mission Statement/Objectives Recent scientific and technological advancements have enabled a more efficient structural condition assessment of bridges, mainly through the implementation of intelligent inspection strategies. These intelligent strategies can in advance prevent the failure of critical components as well as identifying mitigation actions to avoid future failures. This TG aims to:
Perform a state-of-art focused on the latest findings in the field of remote inspection of bridges. In particular, the main technologies for inspection will be depicted, especially those based on computer vision systems installed in UAVs, LiDAR, radar, satellites, and other non-contact systems including onboard monitoring. Also, the methodologies used for data processing based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be evaluated.
Propose a best practices framework for remote inspection of bridges that considers: i) the data aggregation from different technologies; ii) the identification of the most promising AI methodologies for typical pathologies/anomalies; and iii) evaluation of the safety and sustainability of the operation based on the findings from visual/remote inspection.
Application and validation of the proposed best practices framework for remote inspection of metallic and concrete bridges, based on in-situ inspections performed in different countries.
Scope & Limitation This TG is focused on bridges with mainly two structural materials (metallic and concrete). The in-field application activities will be performed in different countries and continents.
Expected Project Output The expected outputs per task are the following:
State-of-art (review) journal article in SEI journal and a special session on IABSE Congress New Delhi 2023.
Structural Engineering Document (SED) for remote inspection of bridges.
Promote a special issue on SEI journal, as well as a special session on a IABSE conference, focused on the outputs of this task.
Expected Date of Completion The expected target dates of completion per task are the following:
June 1, 2023
June 1, 2024
September 30, 2025
Start Date:1 September 2022 Target Date of Completion: 30 September 2025
Chair Diogo Ribeiro, Portugal
Vice Chair Anna M. Rakoczy, Poland
Members Marcos Massao, Brazil
Vedhus Hoskere, India
Chuanzhi Dong, China
Ricardo Santos, Portugal
Yanlin Guo, China
Piotr Olaszek, Poland
Cosmin Popescu, Romania
Yasutaka Narazaki, Japan
Luis Gonzalez, Spain
Robert Connor, USA
Fernando Moreu, USA
Matthew Hebdon, USA
Tomasz Siwowski, Poland
Wojciech Karwowski, Poland
Peter Chong, United Kingdom
José Campos e Matos, Portugal
Joaquim Tinoco, Portugal
Rui Calçada, Portugal