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Winners of IABSE Awards 2024

Honorary Membership 


Naeem HussainHong Kong, SAR, China                                Hyun Moo KohSouth Korea

International Award of Merit

Klaus Ostenfeld, Denmark

Member of the Year

            Ian FirthUK

National Group of the Year


Korean Republic

Outstanding Paper Award

Category 'Technical Report':

"Chenab Bridge - Constructing the World’s Tallest Railway Bridge"

by Giridhar Rajagopalan; Mandar Karnik; Pekka Pulkkinen, Kilian Karius, and Shashank Rajbhoj. Download the paper for free..

Category 'Scientific Paper:

"IABSE Task Group 3.1 Benchmark Results. Numerical Full Bridge Stability and Buffeting Simulations"

by Giorgio Diana, Prof., Chair of Task Group 3.1, Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; Stoyan Stoyanoff, Dr, Vice-Chair of Task Group 3.1, Rowan Williams Davies and Irwin Inc (RWDI), Guelph, Canada; Andrew Allsop, Arup Fellow, ARUP, London, UK; Luca Amerio, Dr, ARUP, Milano, Italy; Michael Styrk Andersen, Dr, COWI A/S, Lyngby, Denmark; Tommaso Argentini, Prof.; Filippo Calamelli, Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; Miguel Cid Montoya, Dr, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, USA; Vincent de Ville de Goyet, Dr, Engineering Office Greisch, Liege, Belgium; Santiago Hernández, Prof.; José Ángel Jurado, Prof., Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos Canalesy Puertos, Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña, Spain; Igor Kavrakov, Dr, Chair of Modelling and Simulation of Structures, Bauhaus-Universitat, Weimar, Germany; Guy Larose, Dr, RWDI, Ottawa, Canada; Allan Larsen, Dr, COWI, Bridges International, Lyngby ,Denmark; Guido Morgenthal, Prof., Bauhaus- Universitat, Weimar, Germany; Daniele Rocchi, Prof., Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Martin N. Svendsen, Dr, Ramboll, Copenhagen, Denmark; Teng Wu, Dr, Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo, USA. Download the paper for free..

Best PhD Thesis Award

will be announced soon..


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